specialty products

Universal Seafood

Dover Sole

Solea solea

Also known as Sole (France), Sogliola (Italy), and Lenguado (Spain).

  • Seasonally and sustainably fished off the coast of France (February – April)

  • Firm texture, white flesh, mild buttery flavor

  • Poach, sauté, steam on the bone

From the shores of Great Britain past the coasts of Brittany, the Solea solea travels north and south along the Atlantic coast. During the 18th century, the fishing village of Dover reputedly exported more sole to the London fish market than any other region, decreeing the village name upon the plentiful fish.

The peak season for harvesting Dover Sole from the North Seas is from February to April, though it can be fished all year. Fishermen, who depend on the North Sea to supply their harvest, intimately know the paths of the sole and their seasons. These traditional fishermen pass their fishing skills and secrets of the sea from generation to generation.

We import Dover Sole from a company that has built relationships with these traditional families of fishermen, who today sustainably fish with lighter nets for lesser environment impact. The result is a high quality harvest. This peak season catch is available year ‘round because it’s immediately chilled at sea and Individually Quick Frozen (IQF) so we guarantee you the very best Dover Sole year ‘round while maintaining a consistent price point.

Universal Seafood

7347 Atoll Ave,

North Hollywood, CA 91605

Phone. 818-764-2800